As 'Hilters Sisters Hell Angels: Twisted Sisters als Victorias Secrets' and Solo Butoh Performance at the Roter Krebs. Also a Shoot of performance actions-aktiv @ the Crossing Europe Opening Festival Address Ceremony.
梅心怡 美國伊利諾伊香檳大學藝術和藝術史雙學位,芬蘭赫爾辛基表演藝術身體劇場總合藝術高等文憑,曾榮選美國基金會法國Cite' Universitate和阿姆斯特丹DanceShort 駐村藝術家。 作品參與舊金山沼澤劇場國際表演錄像藝術節,2011受邀擔任奧地利林茨藝術大學客座講師,2012維也納SOHOIO雙年展,2013實驗錄像短片榮穫歐洲ARTE創意頻道獎,2014年新加坡當代藝術中心演出。詩文收錄於100首美國當代詩,柏林雨虎雜誌,台灣表演科技論壇等, 現居台北。Hsini Delphine Mei, Interdisciplinary artist and performer. Born in Taiwan. She has practiced in New York, San Francisco,Asiatic lands, Europe, China, and Taiwan. BFA/BA in Art History and Arts at University of Illinois in the United States, and Advance Diploma in Physical Theatre In Arts in Helsinki, Finland. Selected artist residency: Cite American-Foundation (Paris, France), Dance Short (Amsterdam, NL). 2011-2011 guest artist lecturer in Linz Art University, Austria, 2014 Research Southeast Asia, performed at Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore. Her recent performance video works are selected in ARTE CREATIVE Channel Europe, ARTOPIA Taiwan, and interview by European art magazine STIGAMART VideoArt 2015 Biennial Special Edition. Hsini is engaging in issues from identity, to themes of violence and memory/healing and collective history. She is now based in Taipei, Taiwan.